Whoa! Killer jump bro. Out of the dirt clouds of pure adrenaline comes the 400cc hero! Stay tuned daily to see more action...or I guess you could check back weekly and see it all at once. buzzkill.
Yokes! That's gotta hurt... Okay I think I am tired of this dialogue. But someone or something has come just in time to save these patriots, unfortunately a bit too late for their third companion.
Scrunch! Hope you said your prayers little camper. meh. Anyhoo, I wonder how these poor tikes will fair, and what does this all have to do with the title of this comic?
Another thrilling page of pure excitement! Three unprepared poor boy scouts are soon to meet the cold concrete of reality. And with life in the end you never get to eat your final smore.
Rest assured you have not missed the beginnning of this story, you join it in the middle of the fray like us all. Stay tuned as this exciting story unfolds, I will post a daily page for the next eleven days. As always in life, it's better not to get your hopes up.
One of my favorite characters, I tried to play with perspective a bit with this drawing. I hope it comes off well, it was fun to do. A teacher once accused me of being unable to or being afraid of drawing feet. He was a dummy.
Here is a sneak look at ndvr comix up and coming scene of the multiverse. i kinda like the look of big spot color, the kinda color you use to see in comics. where the whole background would be one solid awful color.