It has been a hot summer.
I have been busy drawing everyday, doing some flyers, some graphic design, and comix as usual. I have posted over 500 times on here, but it seems like the blog is kind of a declining medium as more instant media is more popular. "the feed" is constant, overwhelming and has no memory. So I thought that I could use this site as more of a long form, self conversation. Informing the few fans I have stolen of what I am up to.
And speaking of Instant media:
They all pretty much have the same thing on them, my twitter usually have more non-comic or directly centered art comments. usually me being a downer. My instagram is usually pictures of my sketches and an occasional animal photo. More nonsense.
Okay, now that is out of the way.
what have i been doing for the last few months? I plan to post here waaaay more often.
this gruesome fellow above was done completely digitally, I am interested in digital art. Although it seems like lately i dont have the time/patience to get over the learning curve. that and the fact that i am terrible at computers and still use my 10 year old computer for all my digital needs. soon, soon i will make that leap.

I have been drawing a lot recently, everyday drawing. And thats the key to drawing, or anything really. You just to have to keep at it. Obsession leads to perfection, but I would not recommend that. I dont follow that, and I am certainly not perfect. I dont think art should be, but thats another tangent.
This is special to me, because my first convention I ever tabled at was APE, and this year APE is returning to that first venue, and my new hometown of SAN JOSE, CA! so this should be a blast.
I have a good group of artists around me and i am stoked. hope to see you there.