...The last month or so has been a real whirlwind. I had to get my comix ready to print, then deal with actually printing them, then we had our comic convention debut! This all happened locally here in San Jose California, the con debut was at Big WOW!comic fest. We decided that this would be our debut because it is our hometown(of sorts) and it was the con's debut with a new name, and what a name it is. at the con, we sold our first comic to someone we didn't already know, an NDVR first. So that makes us comic professionals. All this seems so minor as i write this, but it has been a long time in the making. Nick and I have had this delusion for more than half our lives. Now as the supposed end of times is nigh, we finally make progress, seems fitting somehow.
This month has also been really emotional for me personally, as things change all around me.
it seems like it never ends. as the kepi songs states,
"my life is starting over again."
and it always does.